Animal Sponsorships

Consider sponsoring one of you or a loved one's favorite animal!

Your contribution will help with the costs of the healthcare, nutrition and housing of the animal!

Animal Choices:

Ā Dakota the Bald Eagle

Fluffy the American Alligator

Kina the Gray FoxĀ 

Kona the Melansitic Red Fox

Merlin the Macaw

Pandora the Reticulated Python

Prairie Dogs

Sherlock the Raven

Sid the Two-Toed Sloth

Walter Jr. the Porcupine

Willow the Red-tailed Hawk

Zeus the Western Screech Owl

If you don't see an option to sponsor the animal of your choice, e-mail us at [email protected]

Click/Tap the sponsorship level you are interested in. Animal choice will be picked during checkout.