Range and Habitat: Gray foxes occur throughout North America ranging from southern Canada all the way down to the northern parts of South America. Gray foxes live in a wide variety of habitats but prefer areas with lots of brush or woods.
Gray foxes have semi-retractable claws that allow them to grip trees almost like a cat. Gray foxes climb trees for many reasons including resting, foraging, or escaping predators.
Gray foxes are omnivores, preying on rodents, shrews, cottontails, birds, insects, and plant matter, particularly fruits which are an important component of their diet.
Fun Facts: Gray foxes are nocturnal and crepuscular (active at dawn and dusk) and spend their day hidden in dens in hollow trees, stumps, or burrows during the day.
Sponsorship Opportunity: When just a baby, Kina was found in the Santa Monica Mountains with her mother nowhere in sight. Wildlife rehabilitators took her in and cared for her with the intentions of returning her to the wild when she was old enough to survive on her own. However, she greatly lacked the skills needed to survive in the wild and therefore transferred to Wildlife Learning Center for life-long care. Your sponsorship provides a nutritious diet developed for wild canids (wolves, foxes, coyotes), meal preparation, habitat cleaning and maintenance, vaccines specialized for foxes, and other veterinary care as needed.